Anna Malindog

Anna is the director of Peoples Partner for Development and Democracy (PPDD) and a human rights and poltical activist. Her work with non-governmental organisations ranges from being part of the technical staff doing mostly research and writing, coordinating advocacy activities and campaigns, training and fundraising. In most cases, she has dealt with human rights, developmental, environmental, socio-economic and political NGOs and issues. She have been working within the region (Southest Asia) and in the international arena for five years now, in particular in conflict-driven areas. She has an interest in politics and governance (forms of government like federalism and democracy), transitional justice, conflict transformation and resolution, peace and human rights. She believes that most conflicts in Southeast Aisa arise because people are confronted with differences in religion, political beliefs and ideologies, identities and many other related issues and concerns. She has seen that resolving such differences needs to be transformative rather than constructive. There is a need for more education on justice, peace and conflict transformation and resoultion, and human rights which are basic pillars and tenets of democracy and the very issues that civl society movements in this part of the world are fighting for.